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WGiT – We go into the depth


From 26 to 28 September, Stannol, together with other partners, once again invites you to the expert seminar "WGiT – Wir gehen in die Tiefe" in Dresden.

The topics of smart factory, digitalisation and networking as well as resource conservation and sustainability determine future developments in electronics manufacturing. The energy turnaround, for example, is considered one of the most important future topics of our economy – and the electronics industry, as a driver of innovation, provides the necessary technologies and components.

With twelve lectures on the above-mentioned topics and the direct exchange of experiences with experts, the event is the ideal platform for information and discussion on the future technologies of electronics manufacturing. Among the speakers will be Dr. Florian Schall from Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH with his lecture "Lithography in chip production – what does the future hold? or Oliver Hagemes from Schnaidt GmbH on the topic "How you can defy the shortage of skilled workers and space problems – smart concepts for your electronics production".

"We are pleased to be a partner of this top-class event again this year. Stannol will present intelligent product solutions and innovative new developments on site. We are looking forward to the presentations and discussions," emphasises Thomas Kolossa, Sales Manager at Stannol.

Other partners of the event are the companies ASMPT SMT Solutions, Kristian Koehnen GmbH Hightech Stencils, Rehm Thermal Systems GmbH, Vliesstoff Kasper GmbH, Zevac AG and the organiser, ASYS Automatisierungssysteme GmbH.

Click here for more information on the detailed programme and registration.

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